These cover the whole length of service of the force, from 1922 until 2001.
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B and C Class Special Constabulary
Above and below, Officers and NCOs of the RUC Depot, Newtownards, 6th November 1923. Photo is very damaged so I’ve cropped and tidied as best as possible.
Member of Station Party, RUC Carrickmore, 1952Members of the RUC Reserve Force, Madden, Co Armagh, latter 1950sScout car at Madden HQScout car on Border Patrol – note the Bren GunReserve Force at Ballykinlar, inspection by Sir Richard Pim, Inspector-General, RUCInspection, RUC Depot Enniskillen, by the Governor of Northern Ireland‘Iron Lung’ Command Vehicle, 1959Prototype Iron Lung with .30 Browning at Musgrave St RUCAnd then slowly rotting awayShorland Armoured vehicle 1965/66Reserve Force personnel CarrierRUC Comms Room Belfast 1959And its replacement in 1975Fabulous negative glass plate. No provenance.Shorland APC. Produced in 1975 the vehicle proved too expensive & the RUC adopted the Hostspur instead.Same vehicle, now 1982, fitted with sidemesh wing screens at Woodburn RUCDifferent vehicle showing side screens deployed. Musgrave St RUCArmy/RUC patrol at site of light air crash