RUC Promotional Material / Giftware

There’s inevitably a bit of overlap between this section and that of the ‘drinks related’ page as clearly the mugs and packs of Bushmills were ‘promotional’. That said, dividing it like this just makes the pages a bit more balanced (in my humble opinion). This page includes items produced by the RUC itself, by the AA and by the Historical Society. There’s also a few things I have no clue where they came from.

Stretching the meaning of promotional here, but as the other Jubilee items are on this page, it made some sense to add this here:

And then following with the brochure for items commemorating the 60th Anniversary, some of which are shown on this page.

Prices have gone up since 1982!
Items and price list from the former RUC Museum
Product of a bygone era! (It’s called an Ashtray, lol)
Mini Lambeg Drum
I believe that this might be one piece from a specialist Chess set?

Crest engraved shown below. Presented to Pat Armstrong, former Chair of the PANI.
Hand knitted by the wife of a member
There were at least a couple of different versions of this replica GC made for members as I have two that are clearly diffferent. There may be others.

Figurines above and below obtained from Newforge, home of the RUC AA (incorporating the PSNI).

No idea what this came from. It’s plastic.
Also plastic – not sure if it was something to do with the RUC AA?